April 1991
A traveler’s package on hotels, bed and breakfasts, restaurants, and activities is available from the Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 89, St. Andrews, New Brunswick Canada EOG 2X0 (506-529-3555), or the New Brunswick Department of Tourism, P.O. Box 12345, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5C3 (800-561-0123).
St. Andrews Civic Trust Inc. (P.O. Box 484, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, EOG 2X0) makes available for fifty cents a handy pamphlet titled A Guide to Historic St. Andrews . Available at the tourist building on the wharf, the guide identifies thirty-two architectural and historical highlights, plus ten Maxwell cottages. The tour can be accomplished in a day, but you will no doubt want to linger some places. For a sensitive treatment of the people and houses of the resort era, Willa Walker’s No Hay Fever & a Railway (Goose Lane Editions Ltd., 248 Brunswick Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B 1G9) is recommended. Some might also enjoy the Civic Trust’s St. Andrews Heritage Handbook , an architectural primer for restoration. Shops in town stock both books.