September 1995
This diminutive photo (the original is an inch by an inch and a quarter), came to us just days before President Clinton made the reluctant decision on May 20 to close Pennsylvania Avenue to vehicular traffic. Robert Spencer sent it with the following explanation: “In 1937 Marguerite and I were married and we began our honeymoon in Washington, D.C. Of course we wanted to see the White House.
“There was no gate, fence, concrete barrier, not even guards, so we drove in, right up to the portico, parked, and took a stroll around the grounds. No one interrupted our walk until a man in civilian clothes came out of the White House and politely requested us to move our car because the President was waiting to leave. When we asked if we could take a photograph first, the President’s aide agreed, as long as we hurried. The result is enclosed.
“Not too long ago we traveled again through Washington and were saddened by the security that is now needed to protect the President, Congress, and other government officials and buildings.”
One thing hasn’t changed, Mr. Spencer tells us: “Oh yes! I am still happily married to Marguerite. It has now been fifty-eight years and still going strong.”