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A Pacific War Museum

September 2024
1min read

It was truly great to read about the new D-Day Museum in the May/June issue, but I’d like to take issue with the statement that it is the only national museum dedicated to World War II. The National Museum of the Pacific War, in Fredericksburg, Texas, the hometown of Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, the fleet commander of the Pacific forces, is also dedicated to telling the story of World War II. This new world-class museum, which opened in June 1999 to the acclaim of tens of thousands of visitors, describes the events that led to the attack upon Pearl Harbor, the heroes and sacrifices of the battlefront and the home front, and finally the winning of that war in the Pacific. The museum contains over 700 artifacts, most unique, all poignant, which need to be seen to be appreciated. You are invited to pay us a visit.

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