July/August 1991
What a delight to see the Cadillac V-16 on your April cover! I once owned two of these noble automobiles, and to this day I regret having parted with them! From this perspective I trust you’ll indulge my picking a couple of nits.
First, there were no 1929 V-IGs, contrary to your caption. The ’29s were all 341 (denoting cubic inches of engine displacement) Series V-Ss. The V-16 452 Series was introduced in January 1930.
Second, your index page describes the car as a “roadster.” Tsk, tsk! Roadsters were open models— sans roll-up windows or landau irons, which this car obviously has—and their folddown tops were of completely different shape and construction from that in your photo. Your cover car is a “convertible coupe.”
These lapses notwithstanding, it’s a very attractive cover for which your art director should be complimented. Perhaps in a future issue he’ll show us the entire car.
Now that would be a treat, indeed!