Members of “the world’s greatest deliberative body” put the interests of the country first
Newly released personal papers and transcripts of closed-door hearings reveal both the depth of the senator’s conniving and his surprising charm.
An impetuous and sometimes corrupt Congress has often hamstrung the efforts of the president since the earliest days of the republic.
As Hillary Clinton campaigns for a New York Senate seat, she’d do well to study the career of another effective outsider
The head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee explains why it has always frustrated Presidents—and why it doesn’t have to
A recent British ambassador to Washington takes a generous-spirited but clear-eyed look at the document that, as he points out, owes its existence to King George III
The framers of the Constitution were proud of what they had done but might be astonished that their words still carry so much weight. A distinguished scholar tells us how the great charter has survived and flourished.
Despite his feeling that “we are beginning to lose the memory of what a restrained and civil society can be like,” the senior senator from New York—a lifelong student of history—remains an optimist about our system of government and our extraordinary resilience as a people
Gargantuan, gross, and cynical, the patrician boss Boies Penrose descended from aristocracy to dominate Pennsylvania Republican politics for thirty years
The filibuster has played a key role in the enactment of federal law since 1789, but is rarely used outside the U.S. Senate.
The “conversion” of Arthur Vandenberg, told by a former Secretary of State, his sometime adversary but also his friend
One of the saddest tales in American history tells how a well-intentioned President lost a dazzling opportunity